
ECT Mods » PHP Admin
Additional Product Keywords SEO
This addon adds the SEO benefit of the built in ECT additional product keywords (version ECT 5.7 +) to the product detail page of your ECT cart. No longer is it just to help locate products in your store search, but also includes all your variations for search engines to index.

Price: $10.00
11.00 CAD
AddressTrackerIP - a.k.a. 'FraudMOD'
  • Recognize the warning signs of fraud - A credit card transaction from Wyoming with an originating IP from Africa?� Hmmm.
  • Incorporate Geo-Tracking into your admin module and reduce chargebacks and fraud
  • Displays country origin of the IP address of your customers order
  • Includes country flag images for quick identification
  • No need to connect to an external server - You get a local copy of the IP to Country database.
  • No service fees!
  • Easy to install�
Price: $49.99
54.99 CAD
Advanced CSV Category Data Utility
The Advanced CSV Category Data Utility enables the store admin to download a CSV of all the categories in the ECT store. This utility has the ability to Add, Delete and Update records in a single upload.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
Advanced CSV Option Data Utility
The Advanced CSV Option Data Utility enables the store admin to download a CSV of all the options and option groups in the ECT store. This utility has the ability to Add, Delete and Update records in a single upload.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
Advanced CSV Product Data Utility 2.0
The Advanced CSV Product Data Utility enables a store admin to add, update, and delete multiple products in their ECT store.
Price: $35.00
38.50 CAD
Advanced CSV Quantity Pricing Data Utility
The Advanced CSV Quantity Pricing Data Utility enables the store admin to download a CSV of all the quantity price breaks in the ECT store. This utility has the ability to Add, Delete and Update records in a single upload.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
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