This FraudMOD tells you with accuracy which country the user purchased the
goods from, NOT what address he/she says they are - or want it shipped to.
For example you get an order from Texas from James Norton. Wouldn't it be a
warning sign if you knew 'James' purchased it from Spain or better yet Nigeria
;) Well with this mod you will see in your admin orders screen just that,
including the name and flag of the country that they placed the order.
I have already seen several unusual flags on a few of my sites, immediately
warning me of potential danger. In my case all of those orders were frauds,
so I guess you can say this MOD can save you time, money (chargebacks), and even
The best part is you don't have to pay a third party for this service. Some will
let you access the location data for $19.99 to $29.99 a month off their servers.
You will own a site licensed copy of the data, so you can use it as you feel fit
above and beyond the purpose of the MOD.
- Recognize the warning signs of fraud - A credit card transaction from
Wyoming with an originating IP from Africa? Hmmm.
- Incorporate Geo-Tracking into your admin module and reduce chargebacks and
- Displays country origin of the IP address of your customers order
- Includes country flag images for quick identification
- No need to connect to an external server - You get a local copy of the IP
to Country database.
- No service fees!
- Easy to install
It is easy to install...ANYONE
can do it. But for those who don't want to...let me know, I can help.
Here are some good examples of what you will see on your orders
admin screen. I created the Mod for clients to see the images below before
they sent out their goods. The pictures you see below are real
orders made by "REAL" people.
Not only that, but I certify that the below orders also
were APPROVED by credit card processors (Names not mentioned here,
but these are processors that are natively supported by ECT). With this must
have Mod you will get a quick picture of what is going on.
The images (Customer data hidden for privacy reasons):


This guy must be on a European Vacation! Right...

What's going on here.
These are what the the Mod is supposed to catch - and has.
It has saved some of my clients time, energy,
money (chargebacks) and inventory.