
ECT Mods » ASP Admin
Advanced CSV Product Data Utility 2.0
The Advanced CSV Product Data Utility enables a store admin to add, update, and delete multiple products in their ECT store.
Price: $35.00
38.50 CAD
Advanced CSV Quantity Pricing Data Utility
The Advanced CSV Quantity Pricing Data Utility enables the store admin to download a CSV of all the quantity price breaks in the ECT store. This utility has the ability to Add, Delete and Update records in a single upload.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
Automatic Coupon Issuer
  • Creates repeat customers
  • Automatically issue a coupon to your customers order
  • Unique coupon codes
  • Customizable settings for amount and duration of coupon
  • Custom message displayed on thanks page and included in the order confirmation email
  • No admin interaction required
  • Easy to install
Price: $50.00
55.00 CAD
Bing Shopping Feed
Build a product feed file for the Bing Shopping portal and list your items on their shopping database.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
Customer Search Stats
  • Record and analyze keyword searches performed on your ECT store search box�
  • Determine valid and invalid searches
  • Searches are recorded by date so you can see historical results, and aggredated data such as TOP keyword results
  • Reports are available through ECT admin
Price: $60.00
66.00 CAD
ECT RSS Feed Generator
Generate and RSS Feed for your store products. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are great alternatives to email newsletters. They work like newsletters by delivering content from your site to your customers desktop, but since you only get what you ask for, RSS feeds are a spam free way to follow blogs, newsy sites and promote your products.
Price: $25.00
27.50 CAD
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