What makes this product PRO?
- comes with the original ReCart
seen above ($25 value)
- bundled with our Order
Status Login Link mod ($25 value)
- Comes complete with a immediate action button that sends a ReCart email
from admin
General Description:
- Allow customers to return to the store and continue
shopping with an abandoned cart
- Customers are authenticated automatically though the
generated email link
- One button click of your customer and cart is
recaptured to continue checkout with their items
- One click to send ReCart customer email from admin
- Customizable email text, with sample included
- email includes customers name and pre-configured
ReCart Link
- No more cut n paste into email templates.
For those with the original ReCart you can choose the
upgrade path as our thanks to you. Please include your order number of
your original purchase if you are upgrading as you checkout.